
Showing posts from November, 2023

Shadows Sing Side Story Ch. 5

Natasha’s Day After   I'm haunted by these last two days of council meetings. First, the drama of leaders having children and then that boy… sorry, grandpa, out of no were making a scene like that. The worst part was the disapproving gaze when the young one agree to be a protector for a human child. No wonder tensions proliferate. I honestly thought I was going to die because all of this happened on my watch. They gave me the black robe of authority. They taught me their ways and traditions. They ingrained their laws and expectations on my lips and body language. After all, I'm not like them. If they hurt each other, they could live and recover. But if they attacked me, I would have died where I was standing. It sucks being a human embedded in a vampire's world.  How did my life get to this point? Where did I mess up so badly that I work for literal creatures of the night? O’ right. Debt. It grew and grew till I could not pay a cent back. I went to college with full-ride tu