
Showing posts from August, 2022

Interested in following on Social Media News for Shadows Sing

Hello Everyone,   Enjoying the side stories so far? Do you want to know when the next part of a side-story chapter is out but cannot follow on blogger? Not a problem. I have been working on making some social media pages for those who are interested in following the current news on the coming book and books for the Shadows Sing series. Now there are no book pages but an author page.    As of today, I only have a Facebook page made so far for the community. You can find the Facebook page by searching Alyson M. Wilson. There will be a tag author in the page section of Facebook search. The page will have the title of the book cover for its banner. At least for now. That image will change as new books are released.    I will look into expanding the social media networks soon. Right now, my time is tight, so one is as much as I can make for now. So, if you have a different social media preference, then Facebook, don't not fear. I will let you know when other pages are made for the book

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch1. Part 2

I continued to sit at the kitchen table with a cup of green tea in hand, not moving. I should consider myself lucky that I hadn't spilled any on my pale blue evening robe. Occasionally I would swirl the liquid inside while trying to comprehend my thoughts and feelings. “It’s not fair. You’re only eighteen years younger than when we lost your mother,” I said to myself. “She was only thirty-six years old when she died. Where are you, Roxanne? Why would you go missing? Does this have anything to do with your father? Were you that unhappy living with us? Please, someone, explain.” Yet the room remained silent. Not even the tree’s branches moved on the kitchen window. It's as if time was frozen. It must have been over thirty minutes of just sitting there, mindless to the world around me when I noticed that there was a knocking sound from the front door. I only saw how much time had passed from the clock hanging next to the kitchen door frame. When my husband left the room, it was 10

Shadows Sing Side-Story Ch.1 Part 1

Madeline’s Late-Night Visit   “Madeline, are you going to stay up late again tonight?” Ernest Smith asked me.  “You know it’s not good for your health. And you will have Roxanne worried when she gets back.” For a man who lost a niece eight nights ago, I marvel at his strength to sound so optimistic and calm. That was probably what I loved the most about this man. I, on the other hand, can't think that way. At least not anymore. It’s not for lack of trying to press on when life is unfair. Heaven knows I tried to be more like my husband. Especially the day when I got the dreaded phone call that my younger sister was found dead, and her only child needed us.  That child looked very much like my younger sister, Aria Rosewell. Except for that pure red hair. Not a carrot red or a strawberry blond. Red hair is as red as a rose or blood. I did not believe it at first that she was my niece. Not even seeing her birth certificate convinced me that she was my sister's child. Only after I a

Greeting from the Author of Shadows Sing

Hello Wonderful Readers,   I have been wondering how I might make this experience of writing and publishing fun for you all while we wait for the books to be made. Because when it come to me, I don’t like waiting weeks or months to enjoy an interesting story. After fishing around for some ideas, I decided it might be fun to write some side stories from other characters points of view.  I will post at least two pages once a week on Saturdays unless my personal schedule says otherwise.   Now at this time the main book has not been published yet. So, you might be wondering about spoilers? I will say that until the first book is available to the public, I will do my best to not spoil anything about the main books or the main plot points. What I want to over is a bit more to the world and help explain why the side characters do what they do and say what they say.    If you see any spelling or grammatical errors in these posts, please feel free to let me know so I can learn from my writing m