Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch1 Part 3 (final part for ch.1)

I was not sure what comfort this young man could offer. I was also unsure if he could even manage to tell me something new that I had not heard already from the police. 

“I am sorry if what I am about to say sounds offensive, but if you know of anything important about Roxanne's whereabouts, shouldn't you be telling the police this than me?" I asked. 

"What you asked is the furthest thing from sounding offensive, Mrs. Smith. It is a reasonable question to ask a stranger. I would probably be more concerned if you did not ask me such a question. Sadly, I don’t know where your Roxanne is. I can only tell you about what I learned happened at my club that night. And the police have already questioned all our clubs' employees who work during that time and me. I asked the police if I may be of some help to them by informing you what my employees have told them and me. I hope doing this will help them focus on finding the poor girl while keeping you and your family in the loop. So, nothing I have been permitted to share with you is confidential or being withheld from the police,” Mr. White replied.

I felt some sense of concern I had subside. I offered to come in and asked him if he wanted anything to drink. 

“Any tea would be fine,” Mr. White said. 

I went back to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea. While the water was starting to get warm, I asked him to have a seat at the dining room table. He sat in the chair next to the one I was sitting at the moment ago. My cup was left next to my seat. I thought about picking it up and putting it in the microwave for a minute. That way, it could be warmer than it was a moment ago. But it felt like it would be too much work, and I can't say for sure if I could bring myself to drink it. When the tea was made, I brought it to the table and sat next to Mr. White. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Smith,” he said.

After taking a sip, he started to explain what happened that evening from what had been learned so far in Roxanne’s case that he had been permitted to share with me. 

“From what I have learned from the police and my former employee, Bruce, Roxanne arrived at the Night's Springs Club at 10:15pm that evening. Bruce was the assigned waiter and escorted Roxanne and three other young people to their table. During that time, Roxanne and another female used the restrooms and ordered their drinks from Bruce shortly after. Here is where things get messy and part of why Bruce is a former employee. I had been informed by the police that Bruce did not follow business guidelines. When a customer orders particular dinks at our club, an employee, like Bruce, is required to bring costumers IDs for verification of the two girls’ ages,” Mr. White explained.

I felt myself breathe hard after hearing this news. This does not sound like something Roxanne would do. But if it really did happen, why?

“I can see that this news is upsetting you. Would you like a moment before I continue?” Mr. White asked. 

I could bring myself to talk, so I simply gestured for him to continue. 

"Very well. After Roxanne and the other lady received their drinks. They spent thirty minutes at their table talking while the other two people in their group were seen dancing. Then at 11:03pm, a cake from a local bakery was brought to their table by Bruce. All four eat the cake at their table and about ten minutes to midnight. Three of the group went dancing, and Roxanne was left alone at their table. Another employee waiting tables at the time, Maggy Evens, noticed Roxanne sitting alone and not looking well. Maggy checked in on the girl to see if she was alright. According to Maggy, Roxanne asked for a cab home since she did not want to upset her friends’ good time. Maggy called Roxanne, a cab company, to come to pick her up and escorted Roxanne to her cab when it arrived. Beyond that, I can't tell you what has happened to your Roxanne. I can tell you that the three people who came with her left in different groups than when they arrived. The two who were dancing together most of the time left together. The lady with Roxanne most of the time left with Bruce when his shift was over,” Mr. White said. 

There was a long silence; I did not know what to say. I try to make sense of this. Before this, all I knew was that Roxanne was with her friends at the club, then something happened, and any ended up leaving without her. From what I was told, her friends thought she had left early but did not know why. If she was not feeling well, then it would be in her character to not want to bother others, even her closest friends. But what happened after that? Why are you still not home now, Roxanne?

“Do we know any information about the cab driver?” I asked.

"The police are still looking into that angle, from what I was told. I am truly sorry that I could not be of more help," Mr. White said. 

 “It’s a start. I only wish she is fond and safe,” I said.

Mr. White nodded. 

“I also hope for the same,” he said. 

He got up from his seat with his teacup in hand. I offered to take it if he was done. Mr. White thanked me for my hospitality and expressed hope that I may have peace of mind in the days ahead. When he left, I felt like my sadness only grew deeper. I did not feel like I had more clarity, only more questions. I felt my body hurt with fear for what I did not know and could only be left to my imagination. When I went to bed, sleep was still as elusive as it had been. I truly don't know what to do to fix this and only wish I could do something. Perhaps in the morning I can look through those old boxes again.


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