Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch.2 part 1

Damien’s Day


I always thought of Voxy as an odd sort of girl. Mostly due to her red hair. It wasn't like any I'd ever seen. Yet the rest of her personality and demeanor is the same as anyone else's, as far as I can tell. Never really stood out much, like my Penny. Voxy never talked too much, either. Although she was an easy person to talk with. Especially when life seemed complicated. She would always have a good word, a different take on a situation, and practical but never judging how stupid we acted around her. The ironic thing is that she’s been missing for the past three days, which is complicated. Now, I have no one to talk to about how complicated this whole thing has been. I have no one to tell how messed up it is that we can’t even make her disappearance known to the public. 

The day, my mother asked me where Roxanne, was was the day right after Voxy’s birthday. Voxy’s aunt called my mother asking where she was. We all thought that Voxy went home that night. I told my mother, but Voxy’s aunt assured us that she never returned home. When I found out Voxy never made it home, I texted our group of friends to see if they happened to know. Like me, they all said what I said. That we were told that she left early to go home. I texted back to them that her aunt just called my home asking where Voxy was because she didn’t get home last night. It was then that the text messages turned into a plan to meet up and make missing-person flyers.

The next thing that happened, was Penny came over with colored paper and pens. Sasha came over a few minutes later with copies of the most recent picture we had of Voxy to put on our homemade missing person flyers. I had texted Bruce if he was going to land a hand, but he told me that he had work and was too busy to deal with it. I was ticked at how Bruce could blow off his friend’s disappearance, but that is the kind of person my cousin is. She went missing sometime while we were at the club he worked at. I texted him to see if he could look around for some clues for us. Yet, he texted back to me, 'I will not ask around work. It’s not our business. Let the police deal with it.' Really man, really. You don't in the slightest feel any obligation to even look for your missing friend. 

Well, the rest of us did. With the girls' help, we got our flyers made and hit the part of the city that was close to the club. We even asked some of the local shops if they happened to see anything. When we asked, we had one of two responses, either they were sorry that they had not seen anything, or they would tell us to mind our own business. When we found a community build board in any store, we put up a flyer we made. As we were about to leave one of the shops that has a build board, I saw a man rip our flyer off. I was angry. I turned on my heels and chewed the man out for taking down our missing-person flyer. 

“What do you think you are doing, Man?” I snapped.

“I’m taking down some school kid’s trashy artwork,” The man replied.

"Is this a joke to you?" I asked even more anger than I had a moment ago.

“Look, kid, this board is for community news, information, and events. We don’t display pity art projects like this here. Take your trash somewhere else, kid," The man said.

    Penny and Sasha had to hold me back and help me out of the store. I wanted to give the man a piece of my mind, but they insisted that we go. I am thankful to have had Penny and Sasha with me. Boy, did I need their level-headedness with me? I can't believe that someone had the nerve to treat a missing person flyer as a joke and the nerve to call it trash. After that incident, the rest of the day went better. We got all our flyers out, but we still did not meet anyone who happened to see Voxy. 


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