Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch.2 part 2

Before we headed home for the day, Penny and I decided to stop by the club to see if we could talk with Bruce or any of his co-workers. Sasha did not look well after the idea was discussed. 

"Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to bail. My dad just text me about running an errand for him. I’ll plan to see you tomorrow though. We still need to find Voxy,” Sasha said. 

With that Sasha left before we could ask more about it and if we could help. It was not like Sasha to act that way. At least not without a reason. She would behave similarly to this when she missed a homework assignment and did not want our teacher to make her do makeup work. She would usually say something like:

“O, I must have left my homework at my desk at home. I know it will be late, but I promise that I will have it on your desk by tomorrow morning before class starts.”

I don't know if it ever did work that she would not end up with an extra assignment to make up for her work being late. However, it never stopped her from trying. She should know that the trick would not work on me. Normally, she would be happy to have any chance to see Bruce. Why would she lie to get out of seeing him? Strange, but we let her go. I decided to make a mental note to check in on her later. Right now, I am more bothered by my cousin's lack of care than Sasha's behavior. 

We went over to the club and found Bruce heading in for his shift. He looked angry and lost in thought. I tried calling him to get his attention, but he did not hear me. Or acted like he could not. I can’t tell when it comes to my hot-headed cousin. Bruce would have gone inside without acknowledging us if the bouncer did not stop him. Bruce did not seem thrilled to be stopped and even more unhappy being told to talk to us. He walked over to where we were and asked, "What is it?"

"What do you mean 'what is it?" I snapped back, "You have been blowing this problem off all day. Everyone has been pitching in trying to find her. You just act like it's no big deal."

"I have been dealing with it all day. Thank you, for taking the time to even bother asking," Bruce retorted hotly. 

“How?” I asked. 

"As I told you earlier, let the police handle it. As an employee working at the club where Voxy went missing, I have had to deal with the police asking me, and all of us employees, questions all day. Now, I trust that they will do their job and find Voxy. You need to do the same, cousin," Bruce said. 

With that, Bruce turned his back to us and went inside. The bouncer seemed upset, but it could have just been my perception. I was about to head back home with Penny when we heard a familiar voice. 

“Don’t worry about Bruce. He may only have a chip on his shoulder for a while. After all, going down to the police station is the least of his problems,” The voice said. 

Penny and I turned around to see Mr. While standing behind us in a much simpler white suit compared to the night before. 

“What do you mean?” I asked.

"Unfortunately, we will have to let Bruce go this evening. He broke one of the business policies,” Mr. White said. 

“Don’t you give an employee some warning before firing them out of the blue?” Penny asked.

"We have warned Bruce about this situation and the matter. This should not come as a surprise to him," Mr. White said.

        "Anyway, you needed to speak to Bruce about your friend who went missing, I take it" Mr. White continued.


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