Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch.3 Part 4

I fear the things I don't know. Some much of who Roxanne is, how she came to us, and her absents now, frightens me. I don't see it as practical, natural, or logical. I wanted to make sense of it, to understand her but I never knew where or how to start. Even she doesn't remember her parents. Apart from blood work done that proved that she was related to my wife, we had no way of knowing who her father was or who likely her other blood relatives could be. 

I scratch my head with frustration and lean back in my office chair. 

"Not knowing where to begin. Perhaps what I do know will help me find some type of closer," I say to myself as I start to stand up. 

I leave the office room and open a closet door. Hanging a hook on the left-hand side is an attic pull-down hook. I take the attic hook and make my way to open the attic door. I pulled down the dusty old ladder and started my climb up. In the attic I looked over the few stacks of boxes, I knew were filled with books and old clippings of articles. All these things I bought to try to understand Roxanne's odd glowing hair. I stored them away because the search for an answer was driving me mad back then. Perhaps now, I can see if anything is coming up differently in a new light. It's worth a look at least. 

I think I might just have to request some time to do a variety of experiments at work to help get me through this rough patch. The focus can be on how light behaves with living and dead cells. Dead cells would be a control to compare and observe effects on living cells.  As to what I am expecting to see, I don’t know yet. However, these books will be a place to start working through what is known and what is there left to consider.

It took no time at all for me to find particular books on biology. From skin cancer, body making vitamin D, seasonal depression, tans, sunburns, sun-bleached hair, test eye health, laser treatments, etc. If I was not so fixated on that child's weird hair back then, the information in these books would have sparked so much interest and fascination in me about the wonderful light can do beyond physics. It truly changes the body for the better and has its own danger for the worse. How can something so uplifting as light be so complicated in its nature? I can't help but wonder what more can light do for us that we don't yet know.


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