Shadows Sing Side-Stories Chapter 3 part 3

Of course, the topic of what could have happened to explain what I saw never left my mind for weeks after. When I was not buzzy with work, I spent my free time finding books on the rare light phenomenon, books on rare biological conditions, and surfing the web to see if anyone has seen something similar. But as expected nothing came up. I had a hard time having to except that I couldn't find a solid answer, but I tried to leave it that Roxanne is not a normal child. 

That does make me wonder, how could hair look like a living organ? It has been a few years since I last looked for an answer. I could see if any more theories could support what I saw that day. Perhaps an experiment to the purpose for my next project that I am coming up blank? No. I know what management would say. I would be the laughingstock of the lab. Although it's not like I am coming up with anything better. Perhaps if I explain that it is a small project to help me through my current rough patch they could understand? I'll put it on hold for now. I am sure I could think of something better than a hair experiment. 

What else has bothered me about that child? There has been plenty of uncomfortable experiences. Well, for starters as a young one she wanted to sing all the time. I know that's normal, especially since my wife's family were all artists of some kind. Roxanne's love for music came from her mother. I knew that singing was her way of coping with that loss but it got to a point when I could not think clearly about my work. So, one day I told her to stop and find something else to do. I told her to read a book or count cars that drove by our house outside. Anything to get the noise to stop while I got some work done. I did not think that I was harsh, and she did stop singing. Found her reading a book which I thought was a good thing. 

It took a few months before I noticed a strange feeling of silence. It was around that time the project I had been focused on was complete. Roxanne never sang any song at home after. She never went outside unless Sasha invited her to play. When she was home, she only read books. I was concerned because this behavior was not what I knew as normal for a child Roxanne's age. Even Madeline was concerned and tried talking to her to find out what was wrong. Yet the silence did not bother Roxanne and Madeline told me that it seems nothing is wrong. Just a phase. 

Well, it was because of that phase, I felt even more of a need to keep my distance from her. Between her strange hair and sudden behavior change, I did not know what to expect from her. Keeping my distance was a hard thing to do. Especially after books and science magazines went missing from my office and found their way into her room. I ended up making a compromise. She could use a corner of my office to read so long as the books I needed for work did not leave the office. It worked to keep the books in the office. Still, I would have to turn my office over to find some of the books she did not return to my desk right away.

Now that I don’t have to worry about her anymore, why do I find it difficult to let things go? The rational reason is that I have to do with Madeline being concerned for her is why I am concerned. However, I don't feel like that is the real reason. She was a concerned child but her absents feels more alarming. It's one thing to know that child is safe and minding themselves. It's another to not know what is happening to them. Her peer hit her with a stick, and I both wonder and fear what would have happened if her teacher and I were not there to stop him. Could she have fought back? If her hair was somehow, not saying that I think it is but…, somehow alive could her hair kill that child to protect her from harm? I know I am thinking the worst, but it’s hard to think otherwise when I don’t understand something. 


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