
Showing posts from October, 2022

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch.3 part 2

I had one more bad experience with that rotten hair on that child. I remember that sad day clearly. I was picking Roxanne up from kindergarten. Her teacher told me that she was in the playground playing with her peers while they were waiting for their families. When we got to the playground, a boy was chasing and hitting Roxanne with a stick. Roxanne tried to keep her distance from that boy with tears in her eyes. Then when she fails to the ground the boy started beating on her and she started to wail.  I went with the teacher to stop the boy from hitting her. When we got to her the teacher restrained the boy. I checked on Roxanne. … her hair did something, even with all my research, to this day can’t explain as I was checking her. I can only try my best to explain it. For starters, her hair had a faint light glow even though we were in the shade caused by the school building. Then I see something faint moving in her hair. I thought it was a bug of some sort, so I tried to brush them o

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch.3 part 1

Ernest Smith’s Slump               I sit in my office chair and stare at my computer screen. I see the line blinking on and off and not a single word is written. I have an open book on my left and two open books to my right, yet not a single word on the pages is engaging with me. What's wrong with me? This is not like me in the slightest. My mind has always been a buzz with wonder and interest in research. Now I’m coming up blank like this computer document. Why? Why now do I have to be in this slump? It’s not like me. This is not me. I can’t and will not let this slump continue.             Yet the document before me remands blank.  Not a key touched on the keyboard.  Oh, come on now brain! Why won't you work already? We finally have peace now to work. For the last ten years, I have had to chase down books taken out of my office by that child. Now I don't have to. We finally have a home where each book is where it should be. On the shelf in alphabetical order categorized b

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch. 2 part 6 (final part of chapter 2)

“Our boy was telling me that Penny and he had an argument yesterday. It sounded like a simple lovers’ quarrel. Less tense than ours was back in the day,” mother said.  “You going to try to talk things out today with her?” mother asked.  "Yes, I'm thinking of taking her to her favorite coffee shop and see if we can have a chance to talk things out then. At least to let her know how much I care about her and that I am willing to work with her," I said. “That’s important,” father said. With that, my father asked Tina what she is doing during school today. She gave a long-winded story about everything a seven-year-old could say about their school. She also talked about her friends, teacher, bullies, and everyone. I finally got a text back from Penny with one work, Kay. Is she still upset about last night? Her text usually has more than just kay. I can feel my stomach turn with anxiety. Please don't let her still be upset. Please let us be able to talk and work this out. I

Shadows Sings Side-Stories Chapter 2 Part 5

I had some time to think during the night before going to sleep.  “If Penny is not feeling like I am spending enough time with her, I can try to plan something special for her tomorrow. That should help her feel appreciated and hopefully tell her how much I love her,” I said aloud to myself.  “The only thing is what would be a good place to go with Penny. What would my lady like?” I asked myself.  I sigh.  “I just wish she could tell me what the problem is so I could fix it. I don’t like being left in the dark. This is my relationship on the line here too. Can’t we just work this …thing out?” I say to my pillow. "Please let tomorrow be a better day for us," I say before going to sleep.  Morning came and I felt better after having a night to sleep on things with Penny. I decided that I would take her to her favorite little coffee shop, and we could eardrop on the morning book club to get a brief of some random book the ladies read this week. Penny told me that she thought it w

Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch2. Part 4

“What!?” I replied. “Are you going to take Mr. White’s offer?” Penny asked. “Where is this coming from? I have not even thought about his offer. Plus, Bruce would have a cow if I did,” I said.  “So, you have not been thinking that if you did take his offer you could talk with this Maggy person at work since we don't know where she lives,” Penny said. “I honestly have not thought of anything like that,” I said.  “Okay,” Penny said.  Then the car was silent again. “Do you think that I should consider his offer?” I ask. The air in the car started to feel uncomfortable. I start to wish I had not asked that question. I think now Penny was trying to warn me not to consider the idea. She did not reply right away.  “Do what you want,” Penny said hotly.  “Penny, I don’t understand what’s going on here. Can you please help me understand why I should or should not consider Mr. White’s job offer?” I ask. “You really can’t see it?” She asked  "See what?" I ask. “You know what; I don’t