
Shadows Sing Side Story Ch. 5

Natasha’s Day After   I'm haunted by these last two days of council meetings. First, the drama of leaders having children and then that boy… sorry, grandpa, out of no were making a scene like that. The worst part was the disapproving gaze when the young one agree to be a protector for a human child. No wonder tensions proliferate. I honestly thought I was going to die because all of this happened on my watch. They gave me the black robe of authority. They taught me their ways and traditions. They ingrained their laws and expectations on my lips and body language. After all, I'm not like them. If they hurt each other, they could live and recover. But if they attacked me, I would have died where I was standing. It sucks being a human embedded in a vampire's world.  How did my life get to this point? Where did I mess up so badly that I work for literal creatures of the night? O’ right. Debt. It grew and grew till I could not pay a cent back. I went to college with full-ride tu

September news about the second volume of Shadows Sing

 Hello Everyone, I am happy to say that the publishing work is done for Shadows Sings Vol.2. This book is now available for pre-order. It will be released Oct. 31, 2023. As previous reader already know that is the main character Roxanne Van Kurt's birthday. So please consider it the main characters special treat not trick for you all. Here are links and ways to find Vol. 2: Amazon link to Shadows Sing Vol. 2 Barns and nobles link to Shadows Sing Vol.2 Available at apple store, too. Just type name of book or author.

Latest Shadows Sing New

 Hello Gems,  Thank you for your support and willingness to wait. I have some good news for those waiting for the second volume. The second volume of Shadows Sing is done with editing and is not being processed for publishing. As of right now I don't have a date for you all when it will be released but I will keep you posted.  I might have another side story ready to share with you all closer to November. I hope that helps make up for the months of no new content.  Lastly, As we continue to wait I have one more news. I have been working on a special project, a children's book as we get closer to the Christmas season. It's called 'It's Okay To Feel Mad at Santa' and is ready for pre-order now on Amazon. The book is help talk about the holiday blues and disappointments. The main character is a golden-hearted puppy called (You). You did not get the gift they really wanted for Christmas and is mad at Santa. In this book puppy (You) learns Santa's magical gift th

How it is going...

 Hello every gem, I need to apologies for not being able to keep up with the side stories. Last and this weekend has been and will be busy for me. I'm sad to say I don't thing things are going to calm down anytime soon. As of right now I am working on the main story and going to be working on getting the second book edited. Right now that is may main goal for the book story. I knew that side stories help pass the time while you all wait for the next books relies, but I don't feel like at this time I have to do either one justice if I divide my time between the two. So for now this will be used more so for news about the coming books and progress. If I do get around to a side story, I will let you know.  I hope that the wait for the next book of Shadows Sing is worth the wait.  Thanks again. Till next post.

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch. 4 part 1

Chapter 4: Lady Van Schlager’s View   Disappointing. So disappointing that things did not turn out as planned last night. My employee Bruce was supposed to tend to his group of friends. I was supposed to get word back this morning that a thorn in my side has finally been removed. Yet no word has come despite this late hour. If things have turned out as I expected they should, I would've heard a word of it immediately this night. I pour myself some black tea to help ease my nerves as I lounge in the ballroom waiting to hear some news about yesterday's evening. I also wonder about my son. That strong-willed child of mine and spoiled by our clan members. My son has been out a little too long this evening. It’s not like him to be out so long, the sun will be rising in a few hours. Honestly, what could that boy be possibly doing? Just as I thought came to me, I hear the front door slam shut and my son's voice rings out, "I'm home, mother.” I leave the ballroom with my c

New Year, New News

 First I want to tank you all for your support for this first story I have published.  Since the time that the Shadows Sing vol. 1 was released there were only a few places that you could go to  buy the book and sample the first two chapters. I am glade to share with you gems that Shadows Sing vol. 1 printed edition is now available at Walmart and Target websites. Links will be provided below. For those of you who are interested. Walmart link: Target link: As promised I am getting back to providing you all with side stories to help you have some more to read while waiting for Vol. 2 release.  Based on the last chapters response, I am going to go ahead and start you all in this new year with chapter 4 part 1 today. I will still try to get the parts out to you by Saturday and will do my best to give you a

Shadows Sing Side-Stories Ch.3 Part 4

I fear the things I don't know. Some much of who Roxanne is, how she came to us, and her absents now, frightens me. I don't see it as practical, natural, or logical. I wanted to make sense of it, to understand her but I never knew where or how to start. Even she doesn't remember her parents. Apart from blood work done that proved that she was related to my wife, we had no way of knowing who her father was or who likely her other blood relatives could be.  I scratch my head with frustration and lean back in my office chair.  "Not knowing where to begin. Perhaps what I do know will help me find some type of closer," I say to myself as I start to stand up.  I leave the office room and open a closet door. Hanging a hook on the left-hand side is an attic pull-down hook. I take the attic hook and make my way to open the attic door. I pulled down the dusty old ladder and started my climb up. In the attic I looked over the few stacks of boxes, I knew were filled with book