
Showing posts from September, 2022

Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch. 2 Part 3

"Well, perhaps you can help us? We want to understand what happened that night. You might know. You were the last person, I remember seeing her with," I said without much thought. “That does sound reasonable. I would seem suspicious to you since you last saw her going to see the view on the balcony with me. She did not stay with me for long. Only for about four minutes before asking where the restroom was. Poor girl, she did not look well. I was only told later by our employee Maggy that she got a cab for the girl to go home. Apparently, she was not feeling good and did not want to ruin your time," Mr. White said. That does sound like something Vox would do. She was always the type of person to sooner help others with their problems than be the time of a person to let others know when she is the one in pain.  “Can we possibly talk with Maggy?” I asked. "I would be happy to send her your way. However, she is not working this evening. She had requested some time off t

Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch.2 part 2

Before we headed home for the day, Penny and I decided to stop by the club to see if we could talk with Bruce or any of his co-workers. Sasha did not look well after the idea was discussed.  "Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to bail. My dad just text me about running an errand for him. I’ll plan to see you tomorrow though. We still need to find Voxy,” Sasha said.  With that Sasha left before we could ask more about it and if we could help. It was not like Sasha to act that way. At least not without a reason. She would behave similarly to this when she missed a homework assignment and did not want our teacher to make her do makeup work. She would usually say something like: “O, I must have left my homework at my desk at home. I know it will be late, but I promise that I will have it on your desk by tomorrow morning before class starts.” I don't know if it ever did work that she would not end up with an extra assignment to make up for her work being late. However, it never

Current news for you story Friends and fans

Hello friends and fans,   A lot has happened these last 2 weeks so let's get started.   First off:  If you enjoy this story and want to see my artwork regarding this story and future stories; I am happy to tell you all that I have an Instagram account now. If you want to see my take on some of your favorite characters, you are welcome to view them any time. However, I will confess it has been a while since I last drawn them. I am sure you all can do a better job than me. Still, if that would interest you, please feel free to consider the following. The account name is [alyson.m.wilson.165] I will also have pictures of the finished books and more as things progress.    As for the book:  It is in a bit of a pause. It is taking longer than I had first planned it to take at this point. But that happens. ☹ I will let you know if things change and when I get more news to share.    Last Saturday:  We have the start of the 2 nd  chapter of the side-stories starting. I hope that you have be

Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch.2 part 1

Damien’s Day   I always thought of Voxy as an odd sort of girl. Mostly due to her red hair. It wasn't like any I'd ever seen. Yet the rest of her personality and demeanor is the same as anyone else's, as far as I can tell. Never really stood out much, like my Penny. Voxy never talked too much, either. Although she was an easy person to talk with. Especially when life seemed complicated. She would always have a good word, a different take on a situation, and practical but never judging how stupid we acted around her. The ironic thing is that she’s been missing for the past three days, which is complicated. Now, I have no one to talk to about how complicated this whole thing has been. I have no one to tell how messed up it is that we can’t even make her disappearance known to the public.  The day, my mother asked me where Roxanne, was was the day right after Voxy’s birthday. Voxy’s aunt called my mother asking where she was. We all thought that Voxy went home that night. I to

Shadows Sing Side Stories Ch1 Part 3 (final part for ch.1)

I was not sure what comfort this young man could offer. I was also unsure if he could even manage to tell me something new that I had not heard already from the police.  “I am sorry if what I am about to say sounds offensive, but if you know of anything important about Roxanne's whereabouts, shouldn't you be telling the police this than me?" I asked.  "What you asked is the furthest thing from sounding offensive, Mrs. Smith. It is a reasonable question to ask a stranger. I would probably be more concerned if you did not ask me such a question. Sadly, I don’t know where your Roxanne is. I can only tell you about what I learned happened at my club that night. And the police have already questioned all our clubs' employees who work during that time and me. I asked the police if I may be of some help to them by informing you what my employees have told them and me. I hope doing this will help them focus on finding the poor girl while keeping you and your family in the